The 74HC258 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device and is pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). The 74HC258 is specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A. The 74HC258 has four identical 2-input multiplexers with 3-state outputs, which select 4 bits of data from two sources and is controlled by a common data select input (S). The data inputs from source 0 (1I0 to 4I0) are selected when input S is LOW and the data inputs from source 1 (1I1 to 4I1) are selected when S is HIGH. Data appears at the outputs (1Y to 4Y) in inverted form from the select inputs. The 74HC258 is the logic implementation of a 4-pole, 2-position switch, where the position of the switch is determined by the logic levels applied to S. The outputs are forced to a high-impedance OFF-state when OE is HIGH.
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